Which industrial vacuum cleaner is suitable for the catalyst plant?

Which industrial vacuum cleaner is good for chemical sites? With the rapid development of the chemical industry, especially environmental management, this question has attracted more and more attention.

Which industrial vacuum cleaner is suitable for the catalyst plant?

The increasing number of factory equipment, among which industrial dust collection and dust removal equipment are widely used in the chemical industry, such as the production of some chemical raw materials (sulfuric acid, synthetic ammonia, molecular sieve, etc.) are of great significance in terms of raw material recovery and gas purification. They can prevent air pollution and clean the factory environment to purify the air. Industrial vacuum cleaners and industrial dust collectors have become indispensable pieces of equipment in the industry. Next, we will introduce the advantages of industrial vacuum cleaners in the production process. 1. Recycling scattered raw materials in the production process

Disperse the raw materials in the recycling production process: For example, the gas sent from the fluidized bed reactor is usually mixed with many catalyst particles. In order to avoid waste, reduce costs and protect the environment, these catalysts must be recycled. Another example is the recovery of solid substances from the air flow of drying and other processes.

2. Purify the dispersion medium

Purification of the dispersion medium: For example, if there are solid particles in the feed gas of the catalytic bed reaction, it is necessary to use a vacuum cleaner or a dust collector to treat the particulate dust before the feed gas enters the reactor. Negation will affect the efficiency of the catalyst.

3. Purify and discharge air

Purify the air and discharge the air: Before discharging the waste gas in production, try to separate the solid particles in it to avoid being released into the air and polluting the production environment of the factory.

4. Eliminate the risk of explosion

Eliminate explosion hazards: Some carbonaceous substances and fine metal powders can form explosive mixtures when mixed with air, which requires explosion-proof industrial vacuum cleaners or explosion-proof industrial dust collectors to deal with.

5. Protect production equipment

Protection of production equipment: For example, the fine dust contained in the gas must be removed before the feed gas enters the large centrifugal compressor of the synthetic ammonia plant to ensure the safe operation of the compressor.

Publication Date: 31 August, 2020


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